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Is Organic Formula Shop Legit? What To Know Before You Buy

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Looking for organic baby formula? Be careful where you buy. Choices can be overwhelming, and nobody wants a bad deal. Same goes for Organic Formula Shop – it's trending, but is Organic Formula Shop legit?

With a ton of choices in the mix, it's crucial to do your homework before you drop those bills. In this blog post, we will give you all the details on Organic Formula Shop, including its certifications and ingredients. So without further ado, let's dive right in!


What is organic baby formula?

Organic baby formula steps in as a sort of infant formula with a solid 95% organic approach. This means that all the ingredients have to play by the organic rules, so no GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, or growth hormones allowed.

But different brands might do their own way with organic baby formula. It's essential to put your label-reading glasses on and double-check what's on the inside. Most of these organic options go for a cow's milk base, but you might spot a bit of soy or goat's milk. Plus, they might throw in some extras like DHA, ARA, prebiotics, probiotics, or whey protein to get that breast milk feel.

Here's the scoop: nutrition whiz Natalie Gillett points out that the stuff used in organic products isn't necessarily superior to what's in regular formula. For instance, some organic brands go for glucose and corn syrup solids as their carb sources, while breast milk goes with lactose for carbs.

About Organic Formula Shop

Organic Formula Shop, based out in the Netherlands, is all about hooking you up with the real deal when it comes to European Organic Baby Formulas. The company has earned their stripes as the go-to crew for getting your hands on EU formulas no matter where you are. 

Their warehouse is kept under control so that every product they ship out is fresh and totally on point. When you order from Organic Formula Shop, you're cutting out the middleman and going straight to the source.

How to determine if Organic Formula Shop is legit and worth buying?

If you're thinking of grabbing something from Organic Formula Shop, it's smart to make sure they're the real deal. In the upcoming parts, we'll break down some important stuff to think about when deciding if they're worth your time and money.

Organic certifications


Organic Formula Shop’s formulas have EFSA stamp of approval

Organic certification is like the VIP badge for food and farm goods. It's the process that makes sure your grub is the real organic deal. In the European Union, they often call these goodies ecological or biological products.

Getting that certification involves sticking to a bunch of rules for how stuff's grown, stored, processed, packed, and sent out. Those rules mean staying away from synthetic chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and weird food extras. Plus, no genetically modified stuff allowed.

The whole point of this organic certification is to make sure things are top-notch, prevent any shady business, and keep that trade flowing. It's like that label saying "low fat" or "100% whole wheat," but for organic vibes.

Certification is all about making it smooth to sell organic stuff to shoppers. Different certifiers have their own stamps, which work like branding for customers. Organic Formula Shop is all about giving you a solid and easy alternative to breastfeeding, with EU-made Organic Baby Formulas that rock that official EFSA stamp of approval.

Organic Formula ingredients

Organic Formula Shop is offering up a wide range of organic baby formulas straight from the European creators. Some of the top-rated choices on their site are the HiPP Dutch Organic Formula and the Holle Organic Goat Formula. Let's take a look at the HiPP Dutch Organic Formula Stage 1 for a quick rundown. 

Inside, you've got some organic skimmed milk, organic whey powder (partially demineralized), and a blend of organic veggie oils (palm, rapeseed, sunflower). Then there's organic lactose, galacto-oligosaccharides (sourced from lactose), whey protein, potassium citrate, calcium chloride, and those LCP oils (fish oil and some oil from Mortierella alpina).

There's also L-phenylalanine, sodium citrate, calcium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, and calcium orthophosphate in the mix. Plus, they bring in vitamin C, L-tryptophan, iron sulfate, and a natural lactic acid culture known as Lactobacillus fermentum hereditum®. Zinc sulfate, stabilizer lactic acid, vitamin A, inositol, pantothenic acid, and niacin join the party too.

But wait, there's more! Copper sulfate, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, potassium iodate, vitamin E, manganese sulfate, folic acid, vitamin K, sodium selenate, vitamin D, vitamin B2, biotin, and vitamin B12 also make their appearances. That's the scoop on what's inside the HiPP Dutch Organic Formula Stage 1.

Based on what's laid out, it seems like this product skips the fake stuff – no synthetic additives, preservatives, or artificial flavors. But it’s still a smart move to give that label a once-over and maybe have a chat with a healthcare pro before you dive into something new.


Organic Formula Shop has a bunch of organic baby formulas from those European makers who are known for their quality. Prices do their thing depending on the brand and formula stage. 

You'll spot some popular ones like HiPP Dutch Organic Formula Stage 1 and Stage 2, each at $46.99. And if you're into the Holle Organic Goat Formula Stage 1, that's gonna be $32.49.

But Organic Formula Shop isn't just about the products – they're tossing in some perks too. They've got free and speedy shipping to the U.S. Plus, they're running that "Buy More Save More" gig, so you can snag some deals when you stock up.

And they're even doing gift cards. Ranging from $25 to $100, these can score you some shopping action on their website.

When compared to the overall market pricing, the prices at Organic Formula Shop are competitive. The cost of organic baby formula can vary greatly from brand to brand, with large containers costing upwards of $13 each. Each month, you could expect to spend around $195 on average for organic baby formula. Given this, the prices at Organic Formula Shop fall within the average market range.

Customer reviews

Checking out Organic Formula Shop reviews is like tapping into a goldmine of info when you're thinking about buying from this company. Peeping into the experiences of other folks gives you a real feel for what this company's products and services are all about.

Take Julianna, for example. She's dropped her thoughts about Organic Formula Shop on their site. Homegirl tried a bunch of US formulas for her 2-month-old bundle of joy, but guess what? Organic Formula Shop was the only one that didn't give her kiddo tummy trouble or make her all gassy and stuck. She also gave props to these guys for their speedy shipping and great service.


A parent review on Organic Formula Shop’s products

Another customer, Breana from the USA, also spilled the beans on her time with Organic Formula Shop. She made it clear that right from her first order, these guys were on the ball when it comes to communication. She's rolled with them not once, but twice, and both times she's been vibing with the product quality and how fast her goodies landed on her doorstep.

Is Organic Formula Shop legit?

For sure, we give it a thumbs up!

The Organic Formula Shop has an assortment of formulas from big names like HiPP and Holle. Their baby formulas are all about that natural, GMO-free vibe. You won't find any corn syrup, rice/glucose syrup, fructose, or table sugars in the mix. 

Plus, they keep it clean from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. HiPP & Holle formulas are gluten-free and European Organic certified. The products they sell meet the highest standards of quality, as they are free from synthetic preservatives or nutrients and contain organic lactic acid bacteria cultures, similar to breast milk.

Not to mention, reviews from customers indicate that Organic Formula Shop is a reliable source for organic European baby formula, too.

In conclusion, based on the information available, we believe Organic Formula Shop is a legitimate online store for purchasing organic European baby formula.

Organic Formula Shop coupons

Not only does Organic Formula Shop offer high-quality products, but they also provide their customers with various deals, discounts, and coupons. These Organic Formula Shop coupon codes can be found on various coupon websites, including Tenere.

Tenere is a platform dedicated to helping you save money. They offer a vast collection of coupons and promo codes from numerous stores. By using Tenere, you can obtain Organic Formula Shop coupons and significantly reduce your shopping expenses at Organic Formula Shop.

If you're ready to start saving, check out the exclusive coupons below:


Conclusion: Is Organic Formula really worth it?

The question “Is Organic Formula Shop legit?” is up for debate among customers. Before you buy, research and read reviews from various sources. As for organic formula, it's a personal call. It's made from quality ingredients, without harmful stuff, but can cost more. Research and decide if it suits your family. 

So if you're considering it, check Organic Formula Shop's site for info and snag coupons to save!


It's time to bring some clarity to this section of our review blog post for Organic Formula Shop. We're about to dive into these most frequently asked questions that are on everyone's minds when it comes to this formula:

What is the best brand of organic baby formula?

There's a bunch of top-notch brands slinging organic baby formula, and which one rocks for your little one could totally come down to what vibes with you and your baby's deal.

Besides Organic Formula Shop, you've got some other big names in the game. There's Bobbie Organic Infant Formula, Parent’s Choice Organic Infant Formula, Kendamil Organic Infant Formula, Aussie Bubs Organic Grass Fed Infant Formula, and Happy Baby Organic Infant Formula all holding it down.

Does organic formula make a difference?

Organic formula is all about using top-notch ingredients that don't mess with any sketchy chemicals or extras. But the nutritional gap between organic and non-organic formula might not be all that big.

At the end of the day, going for organic formula or not boils down to what you're feeling. It's key to do some digging on your own and maybe even chat it up with a pediatrician to figure out if this organic formula is the move for your family.